Countywide Goals and Policies

Countywide goals and policies should be used as a reference when questions arise or guidance is needed on the County’s position on a particular topic or issue. Many of the goals and policies reflect the current practices of Clark County and its partnerships with others at the regional, state, and federal level. Others are new, and reflect community and stakeholder feedback received as part of the Transform Clark County process. Because they are applicable countywide, goals and policies in this section are intentionally broad. More detailed policy guidance for individual planning areas within Clark County is provided in Section 4: Area-Specific Goals and Policies.

In 2050, Clark County is a place where every neighborhood and community can access high-quality amenities, health and human services, and vibrant local arts, culture, and entertainment.

In 2050, Clark County is a place that is more resilient to the effects of climate change and where through compact, sustainable development, we are able to pass on a healthy natural environment.

In 2050, Clark County is a place where there is an integrated network of multimodal transportation elements, service providers and support agencies, efficient governments, and community connections.

In 2050, Clark County is a place where defined employment centers, housing options, supportive regulations, and quality of life attract new and diverse industries that offer living wages and improved economic resilience.

In 2050, Clark County is a place where adopted plans create well-guided and predictable decision-making that results in managed growth, desired development patterns, and the implementation of community goals.

In 2050, Clark County is a place where every neighborhood and community can access high-quality amenities, health and human services, and vibrant local arts, culture, and entertainment.

In 2050, Clark County is a place that is more resilient to the effects of climate change and where through compact, sustainable development, we are able to pass on a healthy natural environment.

In 2050, Clark County is a place where there is an integrated network of multimodal transportation elements, service providers and support agencies, efficient governments, and community connections.

In 2050, Clark County is a place where defined employment centers, housing options, supportive regulations, and quality of life attract new and diverse industries that offer living wages and improved economic resilience.

In 2050, Clark County is a place where adopted plans create well-guided and predictable decision-making that results in managed growth, desired development patterns, and the implementation of community goals.