Plan Icon set-CV2

Goal 2.2: All residents in Clark County have access to high-quality programs and amenities

Continue to provide a range of recreational, educational, enrichment, and special interest programs to meet the diverse interests, ages, and needs of residents throughout Clark County.

Establish thresholds for adequate on-going maintenance of existing facilities and ensure the availability of adequate funding for the long-term upkeep of the facilities. Implement regular monitoring to ascertain that levels of maintenance are adequate to level of use and demand for facilities.

Plan proactively for expansion of existing facilities and provision of new ones to meet increases in demand and accommodate anticipated population growth. Incorporate considerations for a changing climate into facility siting, design, and upgrades.

Seek opportunities to develop and maintain multipurpose, multi-generational, and/or other types of shared-use facilities (e.g., school recreational facilities, parks, community meeting space, libraries, and museums) in order to efficiently locate community and recreational facilities and programs and leverage available funding.