Plan Icon set-CV2

Goal 2.3: All Clark County residents have access to the high-quality health and social services they need

Continue to support public health education and information dissemination initiatives that contribute to the health, quality of life, and well-being of all residents of Clark County.

Support on-going efforts of the SNHD to address the prioritized list of needs identified in the Clark County Community Health Needs Assessment which include access to care, motor vehicle and pedestrian safety, violence prevention, substance use, and mental health.

Work with partner agencies that focus on homelessness prevention and assistance, and other entities that assist seniors, disabled, or other at-risk populations to ensure efficient provision of services, seamless networks of support, and preparedness for more extreme heat.

Collaborate with internal and external County service providers on planning, information sharing, and service delivery. Ensure efficient referrals and interactions with the public seeking services by ensuring each department has a current and complete awareness of other departments’ programs and services.

Continue with the identification of adequate, stable funding sources that allow service providers to meet the present level of demand for service among at-risk, homeless, and other vulnerable populations. Anticipate or respond to increases in the demand for services by identifying the means and funding to meet increased need to the maximum extent possible.

Coordinate with RTC and other regional partners on siting of future health and human service facilities to encourage a more uniform distribution of specialized services in unincorporated Clark County and encourage compact land use patterns and a mix of uses in locations that have or are planned for high frequency transit. [See also, Core Value 4, A More Connected Clark County]