
Goal 1.4: Invest in and care for established neighborhoods

Support efforts to make neighborhood improvements (e.g., trail connections, increasing tree canopy, complete street improvements) that enhance neighborhood quality and pride, reduce crime, and improve climate reslience.

Support the retention of existing housing stock in unincorporated Clark County. Encourage ongoing maintenance and promote reinvestment and improvements in declining areas and targeted redevelopment of blighted properties. Work with property owners, neighborhoods, and non-profit organizations to bring substandard units into compliance with adopted codes, improve overall housing conditions and generally prolong the lifespan, efficiency, and habitability of older homes. [See also, Goal 3.6, Focus on incorporating enhanced sustainability and resilience practices into the built environment, and supporting policies.]

Continue to respond to potential violations of Clark County codes in an efficient and effective manner. Assist in resolving citizen complaints related to zoning violations, short-term rentals, solid waste, sign enforcement, graffiti, and other neighborhood concerns through education, service, and enforcement.

Encourage infill development and redevelopment in established neighborhoods through flexible standards and other regulatory incentives, while promoting compatibility with the scale and intensity of the surrounding area. Establish more detailed guidance in conjunction with periodic updates to planning area land use plan maps and area-specific goals and policies. [See also, Policy 1.1.3, Multi-Generational Housing]

Standardize requirements for buffers and development transitions to mitigate the impacts of higher intensity uses proposed adjacent to an existing or planned residential neighborhood.