Plan Icon set-CV4

Goal 4.4: Foster a culture of transparent and inclusive County government

Incorporate the Master Plan into County capital improvement planning (CIP), departmental work programs, and decision-making at all levels to encourage consistency and continuity as elected officials and staff change over time.

Evaluate projects, proposals, and investments in the context of both countywide and area-specific interests, as expressed through the goals and policies of this Master Plan and supporting land use plans. Strive to ensure that the benefits resulting from a particular decision are fairly shared, and that any burdens or negative impacts do not disproportionately affect a particular group or location in the County. 

Strive to reflect the diversity of the County in the membership of volunteer boards and commissions, including but not limited to people of different genders, races, ethnicities, income levels, ages, backgrounds, and occupational experience. 

Encourage fair and equitable participation in County processes and public hearings through focused efforts to engage all members of communities including typically hard to reach constituent groups. 

Seek to engage with a broad spectrum of the community during all County-led outreach efforts. This includes residents and businesses from different ages, racial backgrounds, education levels, and income levels, as well as those who face other barriers to participating in engagement activities. 

Continue to use a range of tools, techniques, and technologies to disseminate timely information to Clark County residents and other interested parties, and encourage participation in County-sponsored events and processes.