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Goal 6.3: Proactively plan for safer and more resilient infrastructure, development patterns, and County operations

Continue to facilitate periodic updates to—and the implementation of—the Clark County Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) to encourage coordinated planning, decision-making, and responses to potential natural or manmade disasters, including climate hazards and impacts. 

Increase awareness of the associated risks and costs, identify strategies to minimize threats for existing development in high-risk areas, and facilitate informed decision-making when future development within high risk areas is proposed for consideration. Mitigate the potential cost and destructive impacts of natural hazard events such as floods, seismic disturbance, or subsidence by integrating hazard mitigation considerations into planning area land use plans and supporting regulations. 

Develop plans to address foreseeable manmade hazard impacts identified in land use plans, including the Airport Environs Overlay District (AEOD) and Airport Airspace Overlay District (AAOD, and support any necessary training or preparation for implementation of the 2020 Hazardous Materials Plan response. 

Continue to monitor the development of the Yucca Mountain Program and possible impacts of radioactive waste shipments on the transportation system in Clark County.