Plan Icon set-CV6

Goal 6.4: Collaborate with service providers and adjacent jurisdictions in the provision of adequate public facilities

Monitor implementation progress on current CIP and consider future capital investments in the logical expansion of County infrastructure facilities, to include water and sewer systems, roads, and other public facilities, for ensuing five-year CIP cycles. 

Base the provision of services of fire protection needs, population, land use, and funding, and support efficient response times for public safety, fire, and emergency response personnel through planned orderly development, standard addressing, and compliance with standards for emergency vehicle access. 

Ensure that all development provides adequate access for police, fire, and other emergency vehicles, along with sufficient equipment such as fire hydrants, through proactive participation in the development review process. 

All development located outside the Clark County Fire Service District and Moapa Valley Fire Protection District must provide adequate emergency medical and fire protection services, including demonstration of additional water storage for new development in rural areas of the County. 

Continue to work with federal and state agencies to establish reciprocal agreements for emergency service provision in Wildland Interface Areas, and to develop alternative response plans and funding sources for responding to incidents on federal and state highways and lands. 

Encourage the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (METRO) to participate with other County Departments and Agencies in planning and developing multiple use public service facility sites, where possible, especially with other emergency service providers. 

Work with the Clark County School District to provide school facilities through actions such as:

  • Sharing information and informing the School District of development and population trends;
  • Using most recent version of the Clark County Schools Map on the Clark County School District website to coordinate location and timing of future facilities;
  • Considering school facilities in updating land use plans and during development review; and
  • Developing school and park sites jointly wherever possible.

Support increasing the capacity of existing utility corridors over establishing new ones. If established corridors cannot meet utility demand, support the development of new multi-use utility corridors that ensure safe siting of transmission lines to minimize impacts on existing development.