Plan Icon set-CV3

Goal 3.2: Support County and state efforts to expand the use of clean energy and achieve GHG reduction targets

Encourage the use of non-fossil fuels and renewable sources of energy in new development and pursue a variety of strategies to reduce energy consumption in existing development.[See also, Goal 3.6, Focus on incorporating enhanced sustainability and resilience practices into the built environment, and supporting policies.] 

Support the expansion of locally-produced renewable/ alternative energy to serve Southern Nevada by allowing for the construction and expansion of clean power generating and distribution facilities at a variety of scales. 

Implement measures for the reduction of energy consumption and promotion of energy conservation in Clark County operations, as identified in the County’s All-In Sustainability and Climate Action Plan. [See also, Goal 3.6, Focus on incorporating enhanced sustainability and resilience practices into the built environment, and supporting policies.] 

Facilitate the expanded use of electric and alternative fuel vehicles and other emerging technologies that support the County’s sustainability goals. 

Encourage growth that is sustainable for the region, is in alignment with GHG reduction targets, and takes future climate impacts into consideration.