Goal 3.4: Reduce quantities of landfilled waste, potentially extending the operational life of current landfill sites within Clark County
Work with service providers to expand recycling rates within the Las Vegas Valley through wider implementation of curbside recycling programs, to include commercial and multi-family development, and other strategies as appropriate.
Encourage the adaptive reuse of existing buildings, the incorporation of recycled building materials, and other strategies to divert waste generated by construction, demolition, and renovation from landfills, subject to NRS and Southern Nevada Health District requirements.
Encourage regional and state efforts to divert food from banquets/casino events, restaurants, grocery stores, schools, vendors, and manufacturers that would otherwise be destined for the landfill for distribution to those in need. [See also, Goal 2.3, All Clark County residents have access to the high-quality health and social services they need, and supporting policies]