Goal 6.2: Enhance the quality of development in unincorporated Clark County
Ensure the design and intensity of new development is compatible with established neighborhoods and uses in terms of its height, scale, and the overall mix of uses.
Encourage the use of sustainable site design and development practices in new construction projects. [See also, Goal 3.6, Focus on incorporating enhanced sustainability and resilience practices into the built environment, and supporting policies]
Determine transition zones, between rural and more urban areas, between developed areas and sensitive open space or conservation areas, between commercial and residential areas, and establish regulations that support appropriate transitions in character of development and neighborhood compatibility in these areas. [See also, Section 4: Growth Framework]
Consider development standards to reduce impediments to pedestrian access, such as block walls, cul-de-sacs, fencing, and long distances between intersections/ crosswalks that require the unnecessary use of a vehicle to travel short distances to otherwise adjacent uses, or consider including pedestrian access in the subdivision approval process. [See also, Goal 1.2, Expand the number of long-term affordable housing units available in Clark County, and supporting policies]